
These sample itineraries are just a glimpse of the amazing experiences that I can curate for you.

For a more personalized and customized itinerary tailored to your unique preferences and needs, please contact me directly!

Iraqi Kurdistan
8 days

Duhok, Erbil

We begin the day nice and early at 8:00 AM for a two hour drive to…

  • Mar Mattai Monastery:
    Built in 4th century, it is recognized as one of the oldest Christian monasteries in Iraqi Kurdistan. From the monastery, we will be able to see far into the distance. Not so long ago, we could gaze into ISIS territory.

  • Jerwana Aqueduct:
    The aqueduct is part of the larger Atrush Canal built by the Assyrian king "Senacherib" between 703 and 690 BC, to water Ninevah's extensive gardens. The aqueduct is considered to be the world's oldest aqueduct, pre-dating anything the Romans built by five centuries.

  • Khinnis Reliefs:
    An Assyrian archaeological site during the reign of "Sennacherib" (705–681 BC). Khinnis was built in order to "celebrate the construction of a complex system of canals" whose aim was to supply the capital of the empire, Nineveh.

  • Lalish:
    This is the most sacred town for the Yazidi people, and is extremely interesting. Everyone is required to remove their shoes when inside of the holy city of Lalish.

Khani Hotel or Sofia Hotel
Duhok Flag of Kurdistan

Amedi, Duhok

In the morning we head to Amedi city, also known as "the City in the Sky".

  • Amedi:
    Here we will see the old mosque, an ancient gate built in the 2nd century BC, and a lovely view point of the town from above. In addition, we'll visit the Madrasa old ruined school.

  • Saddam’s ruined former palace:
    After Amedi, we will visit the ruins of Saddam’s former palace, which is truly an amazing site. We won't be able to go inside, but we'll have excellent views from outside and below.

  • Duhok shopping:
    If times permits, we can visit the bazaar of Duhok, and some interesting tea houses, including Shahed Café, also known as "Martyrs Café".

Khani Hotel or Sofia Hotel
Duhok Flag of Kurdistan

Akre, Duhok, Rawanduz

Highlights for today include...

  • Syrian border:
    Here we'll visit Saint George church, a 3rd century AD church that is built on the cliffside of the Tigris River. From here, we'll be able to see a Syrian village, and where the Tigris flows into Iraq.

  • Turkish border:
    Next, we'll drive along the Turkish & Iraqi border to visit the Dalal Bridge, which is known as "Roman bridge" located in the town of Zakho.

  • Alqosh:
    Our next stop is at the Christian church of Saint Hormizd, built tucked away in the mountains near Alqosh. Monks used to hide in caves here.

  • Akre:
    Our penultimate stop for the day is a visit to the Muslim Sufi shrine in Akre, home to a large community of Dervishes.

Kurdistan Canyon View Hotel
Rawanduz Flag of Kurdistan


Today we will explore the famous Hamilton Road!

  • Hamilton Road:
    Widely regarded as one of the greatest engineering feats of the 20th Century, the road was engineered by New Zealand-born Archibald Hamilton between 1928 and 1932. The road snakes through incredible scenery, from gorges, canyons, rivers, and mountains. Along the way, we'll make stops at:
    • Gali Ali Bag Waterfall
    • "Old" Hamilton Road
    • Rawanduz Canyon
    • Korek Mountain (cable car)
    • Bekhal Waterfall
    • Shanadar Cave

Kurdistan Canyon View Hotel
Rawanduz Flag of Kurdistan

Rawanduz, Sulaymaniyah

We begin the day nice and early at 8:00 AM for the 3.5-hour drive to visit Sulaymaniya.

  • Red Prison:
    The Red Prison was an infamous building where Saddam’s goons imprisoned thousands of Kurd civilians, exposing them to the worst forms of torture. It has been turned into a nice museum, complete with exhibits about the other strifes of the Kurdish people, as well as an exhibit about the war on ISIS.

  • Sulaymaniyah Market:
    You'll get plenty of free time to shop and explore a wide variety of unique market vendors, and delicious street food.

  • Goyja Mountain:
    We'll finally make our way to Goyja Mountain to take in unforgettable and amazing views overlooking Sulaymaniyah at night.

Mihrako Hotel & Spa or Titanic Hotel & Spa
Sulaymaniyah Flag of Kurdistan

Halabja, Sulaymaniyah

In the morning, it'll take approximately 1-hour to drive to Halabja.

  • Halabja:
    Halabja was the scene of the mass chemical attack on the Kurdish people, perpetrated by the Baathist regime. Here, we will visit the monument of Halabja, and a mass grave cemetery.

  • Byara Village:
    We'll then head to Byara Village, the last village in Iraqi Kurdistan next to the Iranian border, and previously the front-line in the Iran/Iraq war. At this point, we’ll be standing just a few meters away from Iran!

Mihrako Hotel & Spa or Titanic Hotel & Spa
Sulaymaniyah Flag of Kurdistan

Erbil, Sulaymaniyah

For the morning, we'll stay in Sulaymaniyah and make one stop before heading back toward Erbil.

  • Civilians' Museum:
    Filled with historical objects from the area, and from various time periods - from Sumerian/Assyrian to the modern era.

  • Rock-Cut Tombs of Qizqapan:
    Carved into the side of a cliff, it is a tomb built by Medes.

  • Koya Caravansary:
    The old market and old ruined caravansary. The market in Koya has been left in its natural, pure state. Some of the doors and gateways date back to the 13th century, and upon the stupendously undiluted central caravansary, you are in for a real treat.

  • Qishla Castle:
    Perhaps the most attractive site among Koya’s numerous historical and archaeological sites.

Erbil View Hotel, Erbil International Hotel, or similar
Erbil Flag of Kurdistan


Today we'll focus purely on Erbil, visiting some of the top sights, such as...

  • Erbil Citadel:
    Discover the ancient Erbil Citadel, a UNESCO World Heritage site offering panoramic views and a journey through 7,000 years of history.

  • Jalil Khayat Mosque:
    Marvel at the Jalil Khayat Mosque, an architectural masterpiece with intricate designs and a serene atmosphere.

  • Qaysari Bazaar:
    Immerse yourself in the vibrant Erbil Market, where traditional crafts, spices, and local delicacies await.

  • Minara Park:
    Stroll through Minara Park to admire the historic Mudhafaria and Choli Minarets amid lush greenery.

  • The Jewish Neighborhood:
    Explore Erbil's Jewish neighborhood, a testament to the city's diverse and storied past.

Erbil View Hotel, Erbil International Hotel, or similar
Erbil Flag of Kurdistan

Federal Iraq
11 days


Meet-and-greet at Baghdad International Airport - Welcome to Iraq!

  • Morning Flights:
    We'll explore some of Baghdad’s must-see sights around the city.

  • Evening Flights:
    We'll get you transferred to the hotel, followed by a traditional Iraqi meal for dinner.

Noor Land Hotel or Al-Taj Hotel
Baghdad Flag of Iraq

Babylon (Al Hilla), Baghdad, Karbala

After breakfast at the hotel we will make our way to the UNESCO world heritage site, Babylon.

  • Babylon:
    Once the largest and most important city in the world. We tour the ancient ruins, including rebuilt Ishtar Gate, Procession Street, special entrance into the old temples, and the place where Alexander the Great was killed.

  • Saddam Hussain's Palace:
    During the past regime, the dictator built a beautiful palace on the hill overlooking Babylon. Now abandoned, we will be able to walk through the palace with spectacular views.

  • Karbala:
    We will visit the tombs of both Imam Abbas and Imam Hussein. Both incredibly important historical figures. We will explore the two shrines in the evening as this is when the atmosphere and beauty of the place shines through.

Awlad Al-Hassan Hotel
Karbala Flag of Iraq

Karbala, Najaf

After breakfast, we will leave to explore Al-Ukhaidir Fortress.

  • Al-Ukhaidir Fortress:
    This is a beautiful and well-preserved palace from the Abbasid period of 775 AD. Being a UNESCO World Heritage site, its importance is reflected as it is printed on the 5,000 Iraqi Dinar bank note.

  • Najaf:
    After extensively exploring the fortress, we will make our way to Najaf.

    • Tomb of Prophet Ezekiel:
      In the city of Al Kifl, the tomb of Ezekiel has a strong importance in Muslim, Christian, and Jewish faith. Prophet Ezekiel was the author of the Book of Ezekiel, which revealed prophecies relating to the destruction of Jerusalem, and restoration of the Land of Israel.
    • Imam Ali’s house:
      We then continue to Imam Ali’s house, which is also the exact location where he died.
    • Wadi Al Salam:
      We will have a birdseye view of the world’s largest cemetery.
    • Imam Ali Shrine:
      Exploration of the shrine and its surroundings. Followed by the Grand Bazaar, where we will try the delicious dessert Dahaen (a specialty of Najaf).

Granada Hotel
Najaf Flag of Iraq

Dhi-Qar Province (Nassiriyah), Najaf

After breakfast, we will drive 3.5 hours (175kms) to Uruk.

  • Ziggurat of Ur:
    Another ancient city of importance built by the Sumerians. Circa 3,800 BC, this Ziggurat was dedicated to the moon god Nanna.

Al-Zaitoon Hotel or Somerion Hotel
Dhi-Qar Province (Nassiriyah) Flag of Iraq

Basrah, Dhi-Qar Province (Nassiriyah)

After breakfast we will drive down south to Chibayish.

  • Chibayish:
    Here, we'll get a chance to meet some locals in the area, and will sit in a traditional bamboo structure (Mudif). Mudifs were, and still are, used as a communal place of meeting. We will have a beautiful boat ride through the marshes, passing water buffalo, native birds, and wildlife along the way. Upon arrival at a local family’s hut within the marshes, we will get an insight to a very different way of life.

  • Al Qurnah:
    We will drive to the town of Al Qurnah to see the meeting point of the two infamous rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. The meeting of these two rivers creates the Shatt al-Arab River.

Atlas Hotel Basra
Basrah Flag of Iraq

Baghdad, Basrah

In the morning, we'll enjoy a scenic boat ride on the Shatt al-Arab river.

  • Saddam Hussain’s Basra Palace:
    We'll enjoy a unique view of this palace while on our boat ride along the Shatt al-Arab. We will also see Saddam’s sunken ship that was bombed and abandoned.

  • Fish Market:
    We'll visit the old Basra Fish Market, where we will explore the alleyways, and see all it has to offer.

  • Shansheel houses:
    We'll explore the old town of Basra, where we will see the Shansheel houses. They are made famous by their Islamic architectural features that have unique wooden protruding terraces and stained-glass windows. Due to war and aging, they have become rundown and abandoned, however still interesting to see what is left behind.

  • Drive to Baghdad:
    We will then make the drive from Basra to Baghdad, which will take approximately 6 hours.

Noor Land Hotel or Al-Taj Hotel
Baghdad Flag of Iraq


After breakfast, we will hit the streets and see some of Baghdad’s iconic places…

  • Iraq Museum:
    Housing many objects from ancient Mesopotamian times in Iraq.

  • Martyr Monument (Nasb al Shahid):
    A monument dedicated to the martyrs of various wars in Iraq.

  • Ctesiphon (Taq Kasra):
    A palace built in 540 AD by the Persian King. At its time, it was the largest arch ever erected in the world.

Noor Land Hotel or Al-Taj Hotel
Baghdad Flag of Iraq


  • Al Rasheed Street:
    We will visit the most famous mosque in the area, Haider Khana.

  • Al-Mutanabbi Street:
    Also known as Book Street in Baghdad, the streets are lined with books of all sorts.

  • Al Qishla:
    A beautiful heritage building that houses an old watch tower, and upstairs also has a museum showcasing items of the war against ISIS.

  • Copper Market:
    Also known as Souq al-Safafeer. A historical marketplace specializing in copper products. It has been a significant part of Baghdad's cultural and economic life for centuries, reflecting traditional craftsmanship.

  • Tahrir and Frdos Squares, 1001 Nights:
    We will then explore some main squares in the area, which include Tahrir Square, known for local protests; Frdos Square, where the infamous state of Saddam Hussain was toppled in 2003, and lastly, statues based upon the Arabic collection of stories, 1001 nights.

Noor Land Hotel or Al-Taj Hotel
Baghdad Flag of Iraq

Al-Muthana Province (Samawa), Baghdad

We'll check out of the hotel in Baghdad, and make our way further up north to Samarra.

  • Samarra:
    Samarra is home to the legendary spiral minaret which, at its time in 850 AD, was the largest mosque in the world.

  • Abbasid Palace:
    Still within the city of Samarra, we will then continue onto Abbasid Palace, also known as Lover's Palace.

  • Holy Shrine of Imam Ali Hadi Al Askari:
    A holy shrine for the 11th Imam of the Shia.

The Baron Hotel or similar
Al-Muthana Province (Samawa) Flag of Iraq

Baghdad, Mosul, Saladin (Tikrit)

  • Home village of Saddam Hussain:
    On the way to Tikrit, we will pass by the home village of Saddam Hussain, which is now abandoned. Access within the village is not permitted, however, we will be able to see it from the outskirts.

  • Speicher Massacre:We will see the location of the second largest terrorist attack in history (after 9/11). 1,700 Shiaa students were massacred by ISIS in 2014 at this location by the Tigris River.

Hotel Modern Palace or similar
Mosul Flag of Iraq

Erbil, Mosul

  • Hatra:
    Discover the ancient marvels of Hatra near Mosul, where grand ruins and historical wonders transport you back to the thriving Parthian Empire.

  • Great Mosque of Al-Nuri:
    We walk in old town of Mosul, and visit the Great Mosque of Al-Nuri. This is the oldest mosque in Mosul, dating back to the 12th century, and is well known as the first, and only, public appearance of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS.

  • Ruins of Nineveh:
    Explore the awe-inspiring ruins of Nineveh, the ancient capital of Assyria, where grand palaces and colossal statues whisper tales of a once-mighty empire.

  • Erbil:
    Finally, we'll head to Erbil and overnight there. I'll drop you off the next day at Erbil International Airport before we say our goodbyes.

Erbil View Hotel, Erbil International Hotel, or similar
Erbil Flag of Kurdistan