Al Anbar (Ramadi)

Al-Anbar Province It is one of Iraqi provinces and it is located at the west of Iraq ,its center is AL- Ramadi,it is consider the largest province in Iraq ,its area is about 13/ of total area of Iraq ,its area is 138,500 square km ,it is bounded by Salah-Aldeen and Nineveh provinces from the north , Syria from west-north , Jordon from west , Baghdad from east ,Saudi Arabia from south and Karbala & Najaf from east- south .Anbar has many important cities like Fallujah ,Heet ,Hadetha ,Anah and Rawa .its history returns to the fifth century of Hijra ,it is famous of production bitumen and ships in the past .Anbar has about 53 trillion cubic feet of natural gas ,in addition to mineral wealth as gold ,phosphate, iron,uranium,sulfur and silver

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Ancient water wheel

Water wheels spread on the banks of Euphrates which extends for 512 km inside Anbar province ,it localize in Haditha,Heet , Al-Baghdadi ,Rawa ,Anah and Al-Qaim ,but most of these water wheels had disappeared because of receding the water of Euphrates as a result of building Al-Qadisia Dam .

Water wheel