
Also known as Baniqia, or An-Najaf al-Ashraf, and is widely considered amongst the holiest cities of Shia Islam and one of its spiritual capitals, whilst also remaining the center of Shia political power in Iraq.

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Imam Ali Holy Shrine

The sanctuary of Imam Ali, also known as the shrine of Imam Ali is a religious site located in Najaf and contains the tomb of Ali Ibn Abi Talib, the fourth Rashidun Caliph and the first Imam of Shi›a Muslims. The sanctuary includes a library contains unique antiquities and documents. The shrine has as well the tombs of Prophet Adam and Noah (Peace be upon them). Close to the shrine stands the tomb of Kumayl bin Ziyad as well as Masjid Al-Hannana. 84 84

Imam Ali Holy shrine
The Great Mosque of Kufa

It is one of the earliest historical and holiest surviving mosques in the Islamic world. It was built by Saa›d bin Abi Waqas in 19 A.H. (739 A.D.) to be the first building in the city. When Imam Ali became a Caliph, it became his headquarter. The mosque contains several sacred stations such as the Sation of Prophet Ibrahim, station of Al-Khudhr, Station of Prophet Mohammed, Station of Adam, Station and Gabriel, Station of Imam Zayn al- Abidin, Station of Noah, Station of of Imam Jafer al-Sadiq. There are as well sacred historical positions like Dakka al-Qada, the mihrab of nafl prayer and the place where Noah›s ship grounded.

The Great Mosque of Kufa
Wadi Al-Salaam Cemetery

It is an Islamic cemetery, located in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq. It is the largest cemetery in the world as it has more than 6 million tombs. Now it has been added to the list of World heritage. It has the tombs of the two prophets, Hud and Salih (peace be upon them).

Wadi Al-Salaam Cemetery